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Harun Celik 2023-04-01

The goal of the aRcGeo package is to offer a streamline process for initializing an arcpy environment in an R session using reticulate and arcgisbinding. After initializing licensing with init_arcpy(), all licensed arcpy functionality is available for use in the R session.


The following have to be installed and configured on the device in order for aRcGeo to work successfully. Trying to import the arcpy module without initializing licensing or setting up the right python path or conda environment will terminate the RStudio session. Ensure that the following are installed and function properly before working through aRcGeo.


You can install the development version of aRcGeo from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Initializing Licensing and Importing arcpy through init_arcpy()

The init_arcpy() function takes the name of your cloned conda environment or cloned python executable path for arcpy. It will activate a license using arcgisbinding::arc.check_product() and set executable paths for reticulate to run python functions.

## The functions in this library require the user to have `arcgisbinding` loaded.
##                       Please load `library(arcgisbinding)` before running any aRcGeo functions.
# This is using a conda environment name.
init_arcpy(conda_env = "arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning")
-- Initializing Connection ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Initializing Connection to ArcGIS.

-- Checking Conda Environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------
i All Local Conda Environments:
[1] "base"                       
[2] "Python_Image_Processing"    
[3] "arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning" 
[4] "r-miniconda"               
[5] "r-reticulate"              
v Using conda environment: arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning
v An `arcpy` module successfully imported.                              
i ArcGIS Product Details:   
[1] "Advanced"

[1] ""

[1] "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Pro\\"

[1] "rarcproxy_pro"

[1] "ArcGIS Pro"

[1] ""
#This is if using a python.exe path is preferred.
path = "C:\\Any_Correctly_Formatted_Python_Path\\python.exe"
init_arcpy(python_env_path = path)

Examples Using R Syntax to Execute arcpy Code

Load reticulate

Setting Workspace to a Geodatabase

os <- import("os")

gdatabasename = "ARcGeo_Example.gdb"
currentdir = "C:\\temp\\ArcGeo_Example"
workingenv = os$path$join(currentdir, gdatabasename)

arcpy$env$workspace = workingenv
## Current ArcGIS workspace environment is set to 'C:\temp\ArcGeo_Example\ARcGeo_Example.gdb'

Listing arcpy Environments

##  [1] "autoCommit"                      "XYResolution"                   
##  [3] "processingServerUser"            "gpuId"                          
##  [5] "XYDomain"                        "processingServerPassword"       
##  [7] "scratchWorkspace"                "recycleProcessingWorkers"       
##  [9] "cartographicPartitions"          "terrainMemoryUsage"             
## [11] "MTolerance"                      "compression"                    
## [13] "coincidentPoints"                "baUseDetailedAggregation"       
## [15] "timeZone"                        "randomGenerator"                
## [17] "outputCoordinateSystem"          "rasterStatistics"               
## [19] "transferGDBAttributeProperties"  "ZDomain"                        
## [21] "cellSizeProjectionMethod"        "maintainCurveSegments"          
## [23] "transferDomains"                 "S100FeatureCatalogueFile"       
## [25] "maintainAttachments"             "resamplingMethod"               
## [27] "snapRaster"                      "cartographicCoordinateSystem"   
## [29] "baNetworkSource"                 "configKeyword"                  
## [31] "matchMultidimensionalVariable"   "outputZFlag"                    
## [33] "qualifiedFieldNames"             "tileSize"                       
## [35] "annotationTextStringFieldLength" "parallelProcessingFactor"       
## [37] "pyramid"                         "referenceScale"                 
## [39] "processingServer"                "extent"                         
## [41] "unionDimension"                  "XYTolerance"                    
## [43] "daylightSaving"                  "tinSaveVersion"                 
## [45] "nodata"                          "MDomain"                        
## [47] "cellSize"                        "outputZValue"                   
## [49] "outputMFlag"                     "cellAlignment"                  
## [51] "geographicTransformations"       "ZResolution"                    
## [53] "mask"                            "processorType"                  
## [55] "maintainSpatialIndex"            "preserveGlobalIds"              
## [57] "workspace"                       "retryOnFailures"                
## [59] "MResolution"                     "baDataSource"                   
## [61] "ZTolerance"                      "scratchGDB"                     
## [63] "scratchFolder"                   "packageWorkspace"               
## [65] "scriptWorkspace"                 "addOutputsToMap"                
## [67] "buildStatsAndRATForTempRaster"   "autoCancelling"                 
## [69] "isCancelled"                     "overwriteOutput"

Checking Out Extensions

sprintf("Spatial extension is: %s", arcpy$CheckOutExtension("Spatial"))
## [1] "Spatial extension is: CheckedOut"
sprintf("Indoors extension is: %s", arcpy$CheckOutExtension("Indoors"))
## [1] "Indoors extension is: NotLicensed"

Checking out Help Documentation


## This will output a text file with documentation for Python Objects