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Installing aRcGeo

You can install the development version of aRcGeo from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Once installed, load the library with:

#> The functions in this library require the user to have `arcgisbinding` loaded.
#>                       Please load `library(arcgisbinding)` before running any aRcGeo functions.

The first time the library is loaded, you should receive a message asking you to have the package arcgisbinding loaded already. This is because the functions verifying ArcGIS licenses in aRcGeo use the arcgisbinding package.

Initializing an ArcGIS Connection

The main purpose of the aRcGeo package is to provide a streamlined process for initializing a connection to ArcGIS and importing the arcpy python module at the same time. This is achieved using the aRcGeo::init_arcpy() function.

init_arcpy() takes one of two string arguments.

  • conda_env = "conda environment name"

  • python_env_path = "string path to python.exe"

Since all installations of arcpy in ArcGIS Pro use a conda environment, it is easiest to supply the conda environment name as the conda_env argument.

You can check the name of your conda environment using reticulate::conda_list().

# List your conda environments with Reticulate

# install.packages("reticulate")
reticulate::conda_list() |> 
  as.list() |> 
[1] "base"                       
[2] "Python_Image_Processing"    
[3] "arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning" 
[4] "r-miniconda"               
[5] "r-reticulate" 

Calling init_arcpy()

After confirming the name of the conda environment where arcpy exists, we can call init_arcpy() to initialize an ArcGIS connection:

aRcGeo::init_arcpy(conda_env = "arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning")


-- Initializing Connection ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Initializing Connection to ArcGIS.

-- Checking Conda Environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------
i All Local Conda Environments:
[1] "base"                       
[2] "Python_Image_Processing"    
[3] "arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning" 
[4] "r-miniconda"               
[5] "r-reticulate"              
v Using conda environment: arcgispro-py3-DeepLearning
v An `arcpy` module successfully imported.                              
i ArcGIS Product Details:   
[1] "Advanced"

[1] ""

[1] "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Pro\\"

[1] "rarcproxy_pro"

[1] "ArcGIS Pro"

[1] ""

Examples of arcpy Functionality

If the function call completed without an error, then the user should now see arcpy as a module in their R Environment. This means that all of the functionality of arcpy can now be used in an R session.

Here is a basic call to the ListEnvironments() function in arcypy.



 [1] "autoCommit"                      "XYResolution"                   
 [3] "processingServerUser"            "gpuId"                          
 [5] "XYDomain"                        "processingServerPassword"       
 [7] "scratchWorkspace"                "recycleProcessingWorkers"       
 [9] "cartographicPartitions"          "terrainMemoryUsage"             
[11] "MTolerance"                      "compression"                    
[13] "coincidentPoints"                "baUseDetailedAggregation"       
[15] "timeZone"                        "randomGenerator"                
[17] "outputCoordinateSystem"          "rasterStatistics"               
[19] "transferGDBAttributeProperties"  "ZDomain"                        
[21] "cellSizeProjectionMethod"        "maintainCurveSegments"          
[23] "transferDomains"                 "S100FeatureCatalogueFile"       
[25] "maintainAttachments"             "resamplingMethod"               
[27] "snapRaster"                      "cartographicCoordinateSystem"   
[29] "baNetworkSource"                 "configKeyword"                  
[31] "matchMultidimensionalVariable"   "outputZFlag"                    
[33] "qualifiedFieldNames"             "tileSize"                       
[35] "annotationTextStringFieldLength" "parallelProcessingFactor"       
[37] "pyramid"                         "referenceScale"                 
[39] "processingServer"                "extent"                         
[41] "unionDimension"                  "XYTolerance"                    
[43] "daylightSaving"                  "tinSaveVersion"                 
[45] "nodata"                          "MDomain"                        
[47] "cellSize"                        "outputZValue"                   
[49] "outputMFlag"                     "cellAlignment"                  
[51] "geographicTransformations"       "ZResolution"                    
[53] "mask"                            "processorType"                  
[55] "maintainSpatialIndex"            "preserveGlobalIds"              
[57] "workspace"                       "retryOnFailures"                
[59] "MResolution"                     "baDataSource"                   
[61] "ZTolerance"                      "scratchGDB"                     
[63] "scratchFolder"                   "packageWorkspace"               
[65] "scriptWorkspace"                 "addOutputsToMap"                
[67] "buildStatsAndRATForTempRaster"   "autoCancelling"                 
[69] "isCancelled"                     "overwriteOutput"